>>> Hi! I'm Sourish (Rish) Wawdhane. I'm an engineering student who loves problem-solving.

I've worked on a variety of different projects, from developing web tools used by thousands of students at UT Austin, to writing low level drivers for embedded systems projects.
I'm interested in both software and hardware roles. Reach out to me on LinkedIn if you'd like to chat!
Projects Contact


The University of Texas at Austin

Bachelor of Science Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021 - ? (Going to do a masters)

Duke University

STAQ Quantum Summer School, Summer 2024

Relevant Experience

Emerson Electric Co.

Embedded Software Engineering Intern, May 2024 -> July 2024

GXC Incorporated

Software Engineering Intern, May 2023 -> August 2023

Engineering Expo Committee (Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin)

6000+ students and 100s of employers attend UT Austin’s Engineering Expo career fair each year, and the committee organizes and plans all components of this event.

Director, February 2024 -> Present

Publicity and Web Division Lead, February 2022 -> September 2022

Publicity and Web Division Member, February 2022 -> September 2022

Texas Guadaloop

Embedded Systems Engineer, October 2022 -> October 2023

Herb Kelleher Entrepreneurship Center (UT Austin)

Student Associate, Aug '22 -> Present


AWS Logo
Engineering Expo Site
  • Landing site for Engineering Expo, the fall career fair for UT Austin’s Cockrell School of Engineering with 6000+ students, and 100s of companies.
  • Site provides pertinent info for students and employers attending Expo.
  • Developed using HTML and CSS.
Service Locker Logo
Service Locker
  • Implemented a management dashboard to track large numbers of APIs exposed in backend services and across environments.
  • Backend features authenticated data retrieval using the MSAL and Azure AD to sign in and authorize users.
  • Integrates Microsoft Graph for Office 365 API, developed using React, Javascript, CSS, HTML, and deployed on Microsoft Azure.
PVP Tanks Icon
PVP Tanks (Embedded System)
  • Constructed a handheld two-player tanks game for TI TM4C using ARM and C/C++, designed constrained to limited ROM (<128KB).< /li>
  • Developed drivers for timer-triggered digital to analog audio output, an LCD screen, two analog, and four digital user inputs.
  • Designed game logic to manage sprites including tanks, bullets, and score, engineered event triggered audio output.
Quarantine Support Application Logo
Quarantine Support
  • Engineered a COVID risk assessment and medical contact application for detection and treatment of elevated COVID symptoms
  • Expedited doctor-patient communication through chat/email portal and hospital locator tool
  • Contributes facets of entertainment and mindful guidance, protected by a local login verification system.
Traffic Light Photo
Traffic Light Board Simulation System
  • Constructed functional bidirectional traffic light system with sensor-informed cycling and pedestrian-responsive waits.
  • Developed using Moore finite state machine, TM4C123 Microcontroller, and coded in C and ARM Assembly.
  • Simulation includes pedestrian crossing indicators (LEDs), sensors (Switches) and cycles through traffic without exhaustion.
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Self Driving Car Intersection Management System
I'm currently developing a project exploring different algorithms for managing autonomous intersections. Link updated soon!